Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Yahoo // Concept Development Worksheets

I spent the majority of yesterday mapping out my brief, researching, and looking through books at past advertising campaigns. Then working out a clear concept for the digital ad campaign. This is the first advertising campaign I have done for a project so I need to make sure that I have a water tight concept.

I came up with two concepts but this morning I was talking to one of my peers and he mentioned that I should probably use some sort of 'slang' or language that the age group would relate to, this was one of the concepts I came up with so I am going to combine the two ideas I came up with yesterday and develop it from there.

I am carrying on my ideas from my previous day of brainstorming when I thought I was going to be re-designing the website. I am still going to have the different sections of Yahoo that the 13-18 year olds will be most interested in using. This sheet is just mapping out the different areas and ideas I need to explore before starting on the brief. 

I was having a bit of a problem cutting down the sections of Yahoo that teenagers are most interested in. I felt that Music was one of the main sections that teenagers use the internet for, Youtube in particular. However when looking back at all the different sections of the Yahoo, music is not something that features on the website. When I revisit this brief next term and propose the re-design for the website, this is something that I will add in as I feel Yahoo would greatly benefit from having a music related page as the majority of teenagers think, drink breath music! On this sheet I was also starting to think about ideas for strap lines, noting down various words that would be good to use. I want to keep the strap line simple and straight to the point, not use elaborate language which might distract from the design / campaign. The research for this worksheet is on my design context blog. I read on one question / answer website that was asking the public if they thought Google or Yahoo was better to use, and one comment was 'Yahoo is good for chilling and hanging' and 'Google was better for browsing'. Hanging and chilling...this is one idea / train of through that I am going to follow on because it is a typical characteristic / activity of the target audience. 

This worksheet is working on the tone of voice and more wording for the strapline. I need to engage the target audience with a short statement that preferably needs to be using words they use / slang / abbreviations. I think that the adverts need to be 'cheeky, humorous, witty' and be a combination of type and image. I was reading one of the books about creative advertising and it was talking about the first glance at an advert is taken into the subconscious, and the second glance the advert is taken into the conscious and understood - this is clever creative advertising. My idea is to have a photography based campaign where the idea is conveyed in the setting, and then to have a clever message / play on teenage slang combined with Yahoo.

My initial idea; at present Yahoo is a digital product, you cannot physically touch it (although you can see it on a screen.) I want to flip this around and make it something physical, I want to incorporate this new physicality of Yahoo into the world around us and make it a 'physical reminder'. For this I would come up with a range of situations that the target audience would need to use Yahoo, construct and image / photograph of this then place a either a structure of the logo into the background or an icon of yahoo placed in. On my design context blog I found a couple of images that ignited this idea. I would also have the photographs monochrome and then have the icon and possibly the 'point' of reminder in the spot Yahoo colour, another physical connection to the website. The concept of this would be that the target audience would have constant interaction with the website, weather they are using their smart phone, tablet or anything else where they could access Yahoo and use it. I would also have a strap line underneath which would be something on the lines of...' click away from your daily essentials' or 'everyday / one needs Yahoo'...'everyone has a Yahoo moment'. Each of the designs would have a short line of text relating to the different situation e.g. gaming, lifestyle, mail / hat, music / entertainment, yahoo answers, and then the main strap line. 

The second idea I came up with was more to do with the name of each of the sections and using a language / slang that relates to teenagers. In general, the slang the target audience uses to replace the words 'your' or 'yes' is 'yah' - which is the first 3 letters of Yahoo. By using 'yah' in context of 'your' it is also making the sections of the website more personal to each users Yahoo account. The plan for this would to be to have "Yah" in the form of the logo at the moment and then just add on the word for each of the different sections. I haven't quite decided on the names for each of the sections yet but the start is 
- YAHmail
- YAHanswers
- YAHgames

are the start....
I thought about having 'thrills' for the entertainment section but I don't think that the word relates to this part of the website enough, this is t

This are a couple reasons / responses I found to why people use Yahoo over Google, and I wanted to see if I could use them and have a play on words to help people connect more with the website. 

This is the final sheet that I did yesterday which just incorporates all my research and ideas.

I am going to incorporate both of the ideas that I have written about above and move forward with the concept of...

Yahoo moments..
Everyday / one has a Yahoo moment
Everyday needs Yahoo

The next step

  1. Decide on the sections I am going to create the campaigns.
  2. Work out the main strap line. 
  3. Brainstorm a list of situations where the target audience would have a Yahoo moment
  4. Work out the wording for each of the situations.
  5. Visual stimulus - logo in a photograph - work out which is the best way to go about it. 
  6. Design the icon / logo / 3D construction that will be placed in the photographs
  7. Test out the typefaces / colours. 
  8. Sketch out indents / situations for the photographs
  9. Test run out the photographs
  10. Take photographs in London. 
  11. Edit and construct the designs. 
  12. Edit and c

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