Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Design For Print // Seminar 1


Bleed (red guide)- always have 3mm for commercial print, some printers will want more, some will want less

Slug (blue guide) - contains crop marks, registration marks, things that are printed but are then discarded after the trimming. Most of the time the times these marks can just be added. Packaging / Leaflet which has folds, you can put fold marks in (own trim marks). 20-25mm, it depends on what you want to have in the slug area. 

Primary Text Frame - every page of document will automatically have a text frame created. The size of the text frame will be specified by the margins. With a multiple page document, each one of the frames will automatically be linked together. Very importance for a text based design. 

When printing with slug marks, remember to check the box...

Keyboard shortcuts for formatting text. 

Apple 0 = see document on one page

Click twice on the hand tool and it does the same thing

Click twice on magnifying glass it gives you the actual size (apple 1) this depend on the resolution of the screen

alt + up and down arrows changed the line spacing

command alt and up and down...much bigger intervals of line spacing

IMAGES - AVOID JPEG files, just use TIFF or PSD files

Actual size - you need to make sure they are the size that will will need them. 

When working with illustrator files - make sure the are CMYK colours, save as AI document or you can just copy and paste it straight onto the page. 300 dpi and CMYK.

You may not be very sure how big the image wants to be at this point, you may need some flexibility so you need to change it when it is on the page. Select the image within the frame. Any size changes you make manually, make sure you go back into photoshop and make sure you edit it. 

PPI - image resolution (same as DPI)

Look in the links pannel at the resolution, the scale etc

Get the percentage then go back into photoshop and appy the percentage scale. 

You can also look in the tool bar to see the percentage (with many decimal places)

PRESS ALT + double click the image and it will open up in photoshop. 

When you go back into In Design, always check the links pannel if the image is now 100%. 

If the image has this icon on the top left corner, it shows that indeisgn knows where the link for the image is. 

When changing the image size, ALWAYS check the RESOLUTION and check that it is at 300, if it isn't then this is the first thing you change, then save, then go back and edit the scale %. 

Rememeber to also always check the CMYK. 

Sometimes when you modify the image outside indesign it doesnt update, so if it comes up with the yellow sign just double click it. 

When you set the resolution DONT resample the image, but when you are SCALING the image, USE resample

After editing an image, always go back and check the iformation box and check everything is ok. 

You can change the dpi of an image that is already 72 as it will lower the quality, these type of images are not good for commercial print. 

You will have to resample the image. You don't want the width and height to change. 

If you are sending to commercial print or moving it from one location to another, you need to PACKAGE the document. 
This will copy everything into one folder, you will have a copy of indesign file and the copy of all the images and fonts that you have used. 

Making PDFs - when you have finished, - Adobe PDF Presets - Press quality - this is the best quality pdf and this will contain all the images and fonts, this is an alternative way for submitting your file for commercial print. 

FONT LIBRARY - all computers in the college

In the USERS / SHARED folder, file called FONT COLLECTION - this is the Adobe Type library, 

Change the way it opens - CMD I - change to fontbook

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